Sunday 12 January 2014

Learning through play - why do it?

After experimenting with continuous provision, learning challenges, enhanced provision etc and accessing training, we finally came up with a system which we felt would work and allow the children to have a truly individualised curriculum which would ensure rapid progress.

We found this document online which was very useful, especially when it came to pitching to the leadership team!

Link for the full document

Learning through play in a nutshell:

  1. Play is the vehicle through which children can contextualise their learning. It allows them to practise and consolidate what they have learned
  2. The environment needs to allow the play to happen in a safe, secure way providing opportunities for the children to make connections, practise skills and develop positive attitudes to learning. 
  3. Develops curiosity, imagination, confidence and problem solving skills.
  4. It should be developed from the high quality play from the EYFS, providing focused activities often linked to a topic. 
  5. Play can develop skills in the following area:
    • Manage Information
    • Think, solve problems and make decisions
    • Be creative
    • Work with others
    • Self-manage
  6. It is NOT what you do after work has been completed, it should permeate the day, from home to school. 
  7. Use the planning cycle - daily, weekly, termly, however you see fit. Go with what the children know as a starting point and decide their next steps. Implement play based activities (in focus groups and as independent activities) then assess, assess, assess. You must ensure the children are always moving on. If you keep on doing the same thing, you'll keep on getting the same results. Adaptability, flexibility and courage are key!

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